Estúdio Aulas
28 August 2025 - 09:00 AM International Typography Day Area 51, Nevada

Get ready for the new and improved paintball event. It's going to be awesome! This year we're including Ketchup balls for added taste and flavor

+135 others attending event Join Event
Event Location

United States

California, Palo Alto
1st Apple Street, 31515

Host and Speakers
Event Organiser
Danielle Doeson
Main Event Speaker
Jack Bearded
Second Event Speaker
+135 others even speakers
All about our Event

Add any element or component you want from our framework here, it's Bootstrap 4.x and 5.x ready so you know you have an infinte amount of options

Date Sun, 28 August
Time 06:00 - 12:00 PM
Place Area 51, Nevada
Ticket $10 USD
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